
Heat treatment furnace shipment

We’d like to share a story about heat treatment furnaces shipment.
10 years ago, one of Konfu’s regular South Asian customers came to visit Taiwan. The customer had first made an appointment with another vendor as soon as he arrived. He contacted us one week later. We had worked with the customer for a long time with screw forming tools and machines. To welcome our special guest, our president, James, gave him a ride to our tooling factory in Kaohsiung in southern Taiwan. Afterwards, the customer suddenly requested to see heat treatment furnace equipment as they were planning to expand product lines.
However, our heat treatment furnace factory is located in the North. So, James quickly arranged with colleagues in the factory and gave the customer a ride back to the North. James worked as translator to help them communicate with various furnace parameter settings. Both the factory lead and the customer were experienced in screw making. That’s the reason why there seemed to be no language barrier. We hadn't sold heat treatment furnace to this customer before, but surprisingly, several months later the customer placed an order for a melt belt type continuous heat treatment furnace. James flew to visit the customer and helped to install the furnace.
From then on, Konfu started to work with the customer in heat treatment furnaces and even sold them a second one in 2021. Though the pandemic resulted to shipping delays, James checked that every part of the heat treatment furnace was well protected and placed in four 40-foot long containers and one 20-foot long container. It was a relief for us to see the cars full of furnace parts drive away.
James told us that he spent lot of time searching for restaurants that provided food for his customer’s taste. He thought it was important to make the customer feel like they were at home. And we believe that it is the reason why James loves to try exotic food and always attempts to invite everyone to join.